We think that Rhythms on the Rio is one of the best festivals around.
But don’t take our word for it…
Read what the experts are saying about Rhythms on the Rio Music Festival:
Rhythms on the Rio 2024: Why We Love Music
by Clayton Chaney for Pagosa Daily Post
“This is the kind of festival that reminds us of all the reasons why we truly love music. It’s all the random connections, new and old friends coming together and those moments in the middle of a song that make you think, ‘Wow, how beautiful.'”
Rhythms on the Rio 2024 Review: Magic, Family, and the Epitome of Festival
by Jason Law for Festy GoNuts
“A music festival can morph into something more than the sum of its parts, reverberating throughout the outer stretches of the ether, touching all edges of the cosmos with its energy, and adding a little joy to the world.
Anyone who attended Rhythms on the Rio in Del Norte, CO in August 2024 can attest to this.”
Rhythms on the Rio Lineup Has Something for Everyone
by R. SCOTT RAPPOLD for Alamosa Valley Courier
“Organization president Scott Stecken said they are capping 3-day passes, which include camping, at 500 fewer than last year, to reduce overcrowding in the campground. He said these passes will likely sell out.
‘The lineup is good. It has something for everybody. If you like rhythm and blues done the right way, you can’t miss (Friday headliner) The California Honeydrops, with some funk mixed in there,’ he said.”
The Secret is Out: Rhythms on the Rio 2023 Takes It To The Next Level
by Jason Law for Festy GoNuts
“Year Two in Del Norte saw a music festival fully hitting its stride. The sentiment of all we encountered was one of wonder. The most oft-heard exclamation was simply, ‘Wow.’”
Rhythms on the Rio is hosted by the South Fork Music Association.
SFMA is a volunteer and non-profit organization that provides musical instruments and lessons, free of charge, to children throughout the San Luis Valley.
Images on this website provided by Scott Seifert Photography and Festy GoNuts.